This was written in February 2007, I am telling the narcissist to communicate by letter and that I won’t take anymore abuse.

Of cource this was a waste of my writing time as the narcissist is never going to stop being a narcissist. 

“You win G!

There is NO getting through to you.

You are perfect. I am mad if this makes you feel better, fair enough.

You can have the kind of divorce you want where the wife can’t wait to get rid of the husband.

For the children’s sake I tried to make it so we could make joint decisions. But you have made it impossible.

You asking me to put up with you (you are perfect remember) is impossible for you to see that your attitude and behaviour is abusive.

Neither of us is prepared to move.

I am willing to discuss anything with you whenever you wish to.

BUT I WILL NOT initiate any further discussions as to me this is inviting abuse.

You will no longer be invited to take part in joint family events for this too is inviting abuse.

Communication by letter might be best. If this doesn’t work solicitors might be best.

As I said I am not ignoring you –just protecting myself.

Please keep this for reference.”


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