My Letter About How He Treats His Children

My Letter About How He Treats His Children

In January 2000 I wrote this about what I saw when Gordon interacted with the children. I was so upset. I found the nearest piece of paper and scrawled down my feelings.  At the time I had no idea he was a covert, malignant narcissist. The way he treated the children...
Verbal & Emotional Abuse Christmas 2007

Verbal & Emotional Abuse Christmas 2007

This is a letter  written to the narcissist after hosting Christmas for him and his family during Christmas 2007. The abuse from him was worse than ever. I was ignored and invalidated. He really seemed to enjoy it! The interesting things was that his relative from...
Emotional Abandonment By The Narcissist

Emotional Abandonment By The Narcissist

This letter describes what my life was like living with the narcissist. It was written in January 2007. The letter describes events throughout my life with the abusive narcissist. Reading the letter in the knowledge that I was  living with a narcissist shows me that...
Narcissist Hates Me Going To The Gym

Narcissist Hates Me Going To The Gym

The narcissist hated me going to the gym. He moaned and complained about it non stop. He insulted me, verbally abused me and tried to get the children on his side by making them think I was ‘always’ at the gym. The ‘always’ exaggeration by the...