by Julie Townsend | Jan 2, 2022 | Divorce
Despite him telling his solicitors Pannones that he was intending to divorce me and that I had physically assaulted him our entire marriage and that he had kept ‘a careful diary record’ it took Gordon almost six months to return the papers! He is such a...
by Julie Townsend | Nov 11, 2021 | Divorce
The narcissist only showed physical violence on one occasion. It was in April 2007 after Gordon meet his new ‘friend’ as he called her at that time. He wanted to see the children so he could play happy families with her and her three children. We already...
by Julie Townsend | Nov 10, 2021 | Divorce
It’s all my fault! This is a great example of blame and lack of accountability. Gordon says we split up because I misinterpret the things he does and always see the worst interpretation of what he does. He says he is ‘worried’ and...
by Julie Townsend | Nov 10, 2021 | Divorce
At the start of the divorce it was suggested by my solicitor that I try mediation with Gordon to save us both large solicitors fees and reduce conflict. Not knowing that he was a narcissist I thought it might work although by now I had experienced first hand his...
by Julie Townsend | Oct 19, 2021 | Divorce
The Smirk is a Provocative Tool Used By The Lesser Narcissist like Gordon. Gordon likes to use non verbal abuse as a means of control and gaining fuel from me. The smirk was a provocative act he liked to use. He would smirk when I said anything and at anytime when he...
by Julie Townsend | Oct 19, 2021 | Divorce
I came across a website about Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder which fitted the behaviours of Gordon perfectly! It was the 16th July 2006 It was a eureka moment for me! I felt validated and started to understand what PAPD was and that it is a well known type of...