by Julie Townsend | Feb 21, 2022 | Resources
“Frank Yeomans describes the difference between lies and delusion (and psychosis) within narcissistic pathology. Why do people delude themselves? What is the real purpose of narcissistic lies or delusions? How are they different from psychosis? What is their...
by Julie Townsend | Feb 10, 2022 | Children
Parenthood With a Narcissist – Emotional Abandonment “People with personality disorders have to create the illusion of a relationship while protecting themselves from a real relationship which would stir up all those bad feelings”. James F Masterson....
by Julie Townsend | Feb 9, 2022 | My Story
During the contact I had with my sister which you can read about here she told me an interesting piece of information that stunned me. Gordon has been smearing me since day one! Even at my fathers funeral he took the opportunity to tell everyone what I was like. That...
by Julie Townsend | Feb 8, 2022 | Resources
This video by Frank Yeomans explains exactly why it is impossible to have a relationship with or to help a narcissist. You can’t burst the bubble that helps them to feel good about themselves. He gives such a great example of a woman who believes she is going to...
by Julie Townsend | Feb 8, 2022 | Resources
In this amazing video Dr Frank Yeomans describes Gordon’s childhood experience exactly and explains why the person then develops narcissism. I witnessed this first had by watching the ways Gordon’s father and mother interacted with him and their grandsons....