Letters to G

Over the years I have written down my feelings as I have struggled with the effect G’s behaviour has had on me. 

I have moved through despair, confusion, and anxiety to anger and depression.

These writings express my feelings at the time about what it was like living with G – the narcissist. 

A Study On Parental Alienation by University of Worcester

A Study On Parental Alienation by University of Worcester

The University of Worcester conducted a study called "Coercive Control Of Woman as Mothers via Strategic Mother- Child Separation". The link to the study is here. The study looks at the behaviour of abusive men and their strategies to undermine the mothering role and...

He Took 6 Months to Return Divorce Papers

He Took 6 Months to Return Divorce Papers

Despite him telling his solicitors Pannones that he was intending to divorce me and that I had physically assaulted him our entire marriage and that he had kept 'a careful diary record' it took Gordon almost six months to return the papers! He is such a liar! Here is...

How The Psychopath Views His Children

How The Psychopath Views His Children

How does The Narcissistic Father Use His Children? With thanks to Sam Vakin who explains it beautifully. The narcissist sees his children in four ways:- Competition – Competing for attention, the time and resources of the primary source. This can lead to hatred and...

How To Cope With Narcissistic Parental Alienation

How To Cope With Narcissistic Parental Alienation

This article from this website explains what parental alienation is and how to deal with it. Coping with Narcissistic Parental Alienation Narcissistic Parental Alienation syndrome refers to the process of psychological manipulation of a child by a parent to show fear,...

Narcissistic Fathers Damage Their Children

Narcissistic Fathers Damage Their Children

These videos explain the effects of a narcissistic father on his children. It is important to realise what has happened to you and to understand how it affects the rest of your life and your relationships. The first video explains coercive control and how it works in...

My Letter About How He Treats His Children

My Letter About How He Treats His Children

In January 2000 I wrote this about what I saw when Gordon interacted with the children. I was so upset. I found the nearest piece of paper and scrawled down my feelings.  At the time I had no idea he was a covert, malignant narcissist. The way he treated the children...

Read More About Narcissism


a story of narcissism
Autophagy is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells.
the legacy of narcissism through the generations
narcissism primary sources from gordon ashton
divorcing a covert narcissist is hell
parental alienations by narcissists
letters to a narcissist to try to change them
texts from a narcissist
learn about narcissists and how to recover