Letters to G

Over the years I have written down my feelings as I have struggled with the effect G’s behaviour has had on me. 

I have moved through despair, confusion, and anxiety to anger and depression.

These writings express my feelings at the time about what it was like living with G – the narcissist. 

Journal – Introduction

Journal – Introduction

Introduction I began writing this journal in 2003. I wanted to record my feelings and also the events leading up to the inevitable breakdown of my 27-year marriage to Gordon. I wanted my children to understand how hard I tried to fix the relationship and why, in the...

Does He Deliberately Act To Hurt? #4 From My Journal

Does He Deliberately Act To Hurt? #4 From My Journal

When I wrote this journal I thought he deliberately said and did things to hurt me. What I have learned is that because of the type of narcissist he is, he has no awareness of how he behaves or the effect it has on others. The clusters of behaviours he uses are those...

Narcissist Ridiculing His Mother

Narcissist Ridiculing His Mother

The narcissist caught on camera ridiculing his mother! This video shows Gordon in action laughing at and belittling his mother. His father, her husband joins it at the end and must have been very proud of his protégé.  This is an example of the behaviour I was at the...

How He Alienated My Children

How He Alienated My Children

He gradually and systematically alienated my children against me over many years. In fact since the day they were born they unconsciously learned that I was a valueless nothing to their father. The irony of that is, that I did EVERYTHING, made all the decisions and...

Covert Malignant Narcissist – Human in Name Only

Covert Malignant Narcissist – Human in Name Only

Gordon behaved exactly the way this video describes. The quote in the video which says that a covert malignant narcissist does not know love and is, " a human in name only" is completely accurate. In my journal I write about him being an empty shell and having no...

The Narcissist Was Only With Me For Residual Benefits

The Narcissist Was Only With Me For Residual Benefits

Gordon hated me with a deep contempt for everything about me. This video called 'You are a toaster' explains that to a narcissist I only realised the true extent of his hatred recently when he has stooped so low as to brainwash my daughters into hating me. That...

Read More About Narcissism


a story of narcissism
Autophagy is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells.
the legacy of narcissism through the generations
narcissism primary sources from gordon ashton
divorcing a covert narcissist is hell
parental alienations by narcissists
letters to a narcissist to try to change them
texts from a narcissist
learn about narcissists and how to recover